Thursday, November 18, 2004

jazz at night on thrusday after the dogs are fed and everyone is in bed .

dear georgette, it is tuesday nite and i got back from the gift show. the >puppies are trying to climb out of the box. they are big enough to put >their head over the edge of the box of books that is holding the wood in >place. mia is just sitting here watching them. we did 2 only today. 5 >yesterday.i saw azam the singer at the show. she says 'hi'. i guess you >must have left for jaipur by now. we need pillow cases in the first >shipment. get some of the cheap ones also, even though you don't like them >they do sell.>> yolanda should be coming tomorrow and geraldine is off on thursday.azad >is not here right now but his jeep is. i am hungery so i am going to go >eat.>> love and prayers,>> jesse>>

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